Harry Farley
Ministers failing to obey Cameron's call for 'family test'
Ministers are failing to implement David Cameron's own test to protect families, despite his insistence "the answer should always begin with family".
Christian MPs hit back at #StopIslam, say religious freedoms must be protected for Muslims
Christian MPs hit back at calls to reduce freedoms for Muslims after terrorist attacks hit Brussels on Tuesday.
Government moves towards declaring ISIS atrocities in Middle East 'genocide'
The government has moved towards admitting ISIS has committed genocide against Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East.
Christians and Muslims join forces to promote ethical finance
Christians and Muslims have united to launch a new ethical financial services initiative to tackle inequality and poverty.
Donald Trump flounders as he seeks to woo pro-Israel lobby
Donald Trump sought to win the support of the most powerful pro-Israel lobby group in the US on Monday.
Government defeated as Christian peers vote to accept 3,000 child refugees
Peers have defied the government again after they voted to accept 3,000 unaccompanied child refugees from Europe.
Paedophile bishop Peter Ball impersonated twin brother at services
The disgraced paedophile bishop Peter Ball stood in for his twin brother, also a bishop, on a number of occasions, the Church of England has admitted.
Cracked up? Why are manufacturers dropping 'Easter' from eggs?
The giving and eating of eggs at Easter time is one of the festival's pagan aspects which has been incorporated by the Christian celebration.
Bernie Sanders only candidate not to attend pro-Israel conference
The only Jewish candidate in the Presidential race will be the only one not to address the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).
Cameron under pressure from Christian peers to label ISIS atrocities 'genocide'
Pressure is mounting on David Cameron over his refusal to declare ISIS atrocities committed against Christians and other religious minorities a genocide.
Pope joins Instagram: Francis is leading the Church's social media charge
Harry Farley examines different efforts by Churches around the world to engage with social media.
Osborne faces second defeat as Christian Tories join rebellion on disability cuts
George Osborne risks another parliamentary defeat only a week after the government lost a vote over plans to liberalise Sunday trading laws.