Harry Farley
Ramadan prayer event cancelled after far-right group march raises tensions
A Muslim prayer event to mark the end of Ramadan has been cancelled because of rising racial tensions after the UK's vote to leave the European Union.
Nigel Farage resigns as UKIP leader: 'I want my life back'
Nigel Farage has resigned as leader of UKIP saying he has done his bit.
Christian dating sites ordered to include LGBT singles
Christian dating sites have been forced to cater for an LGBT audience after it was judged they contravened anti-discrination laws.
Word of Life trial: Father testifies against daughter
Bruce Leonard, the father of the boy beaten to death by a church counselling session, has testified in court against his own daughter.
Parties at War: Boris Johnson pulls out of leadership race
Michael Gove will stand for Conservative party leadership, announcing his bid with a dig at rival Boris Johnson who he said could not "provide the leadership or build the team for the task ahead".
Zimbabwean Bishop calls for Mugabe resignation after torture reports
A senior church leader in Zimbabwe has urged President Robert Mugabe to resign over reported incidents of torture, harassment and abduction of civilians.
Stephen Crabb to run for Tory leadership alongside Sajid Javid
Stephen Crabb will run for Conservative party leader alongside business secretary Sajid Javid in an effort to overcome the "Bullingdon Club" image of David Cameron's premiership.
Christians and Brexit: Did God command the UK to leave the EU?
Why did Christians overwhelmingly voted in favour of leaving the European Union last Thursday?
Post-Brexit upsurge in racism 'simply not acceptable' - Vincent Nichols
The head of the Catholic Church in the UK expressed his concern at a surge in racism after Britain voted to leave the European Union as he called for a common purpose.
Not guilty verdict for men who tied teenager to cross in mock crucifixtion
The culprits who "crucified" a teenager in a series of work-placed bullying incidents have been found not guilty of religiously aggravated assault.
UK relationship with China questioned as human rights abuses revealed
The government will face criticism over its close relationship with China on Tuesday as a report will highlight the ongoing use of torture, detention of human rights lawyers and repression of the media among other issues.
US Supreme Court removes Texas abortion restrictions
The US Supreme Court has struck down a 2013 Texas law imposing strict regulations on abortion doctors and facilities