Hannah Mudge

Is it right to be a Christian â and a feminist?
In the last decade or so, the UK has seen an exciting feminist resurgence that has freshly inspired women to fight for equality.

Princeton and Tim Keller: Why complementarians need to realise graciousness cuts both ways
The conservative backlash against Princeton Theological Seminary's recent decision to rescind the Kuyper Prize awarded to Tim Keller has proved to be a fascinating insight into what happens when the views of the status quo are challenged â no matter how graciously.

Why Do Feminist Women Attend Complementarian Churches?
It's not always easy for people to understand why women might stay in churches that â on the surface â might oppose their beliefs and even their calling.

Sexual Violence: Why Christians Have To Talk About It
An estimated one in four women in the UK experience domestic violence at some point in their lives.

Time for reading: a luxury not everyone can afford
It all began with someone saying they couldn't be bothered to read a 10,000-word paper someone had sent them by way of an answer to a question they'd asked on Twitter.

Feminism at Greenbelt: A welcome breath of fresh air
Last weekend's Greenbelt programme went far beyond the usual content about women's issues and faith that appears on the Christian events circuit.

A Woman's Place review: Katelyn Beaty cuts through the destructive narratives about working women
In A Woman's Place, Katelyn Beaty calls for us to embrace work outside the home as something that's amazing, fruitful and can bring glory to God.

Is it time to stop talking about the 'feminisation of the church'?
Hannah Mudge asks whether it's time to stop talking about the 'feminisation of the church'?

3 challenges for Christian feminists and egalitarians
As Christian advocates for gender justice, we must be careful to look beyond the bubble of 21st century Christian culture and ask ourselves questions that may prove a little uncomfortable, writes Hannah Mudge.

What being in 'the wilderness' taught me about faith, church and God
Hannah Mudge on why she felt 'done' with church, and what emerged from her time in 'the wilderness'.

5 ways the Church can tackle gender inequality
Hannah Mudge offers five changes the Church could make to truly live out a commitment to equality.

Viewing Northern Ireland's abortion ruling as 'disappointing' fails women
The landmark ruling may smack of one life being prioritised over another, but to fail to tackle the problems affecting women's lives deprioritises half the population, says Hannah Mudge.

Can complementarian feminism truly tackle inequality?
Hannah Mudge looks at gender equality in the Church, and whether a complementarian viewpoint can ever offer women true freedom.

Christian culture and the class divide
Britain is a nation obsessed by class - even though we're squeamish about discussing it. What impact does a predominantly middle class church have on those outside of it?

The Christian storytelling boom: vulnerability, openness and emotional burnout
Hannah Mudge looks at how the trend for harrowing personal essays plays out in the Christian blogosphere.

Why being called God's precious princess isn't all that helpful
Telling women God sees them as 'precious and beautiful' doesn't tackle route issues, writes Hannah Mudge.