Genevieve Wilson
Would you wear something offensive to God?
When we look at our life, can we say, "I am truly walking in a manner worthy of the Lord?" or are we making too many compromises?
What my Covid survey taught me about the Church
Some of the most heartbreaking results from my poll were the private messages people sent - their stories of loneliness, fear, depression, conflict.
Staying faithful when you really just want the cup to pass
I wish I could say that I am some superhero of faith. However, the reality is that I just want this cup to pass.
Turn off the internet service and go back to church
It is time for us to wake up earlier, get dressed and go to physical church. We were never meant to do church alone. We were meant for fellowship.
The challenges of home-schooling
If you've suddenly become a home-schooling parent because of coronavirus, I want to welcome you to the new challenges that lie ahead of you but also encourage you that you are not alone.
If Facebook keeps censoring Christians, perhaps it's time to say goodbye
They have decided that they get to make the rules about what is "welcoming and safe," and they get to enforce it.
Why do bad things happen to Christians?
When we face hard times, it may not be easy to feel like God cares for us or is in control
What being pulled over by the police taught me about sin
A few weeks ago, I was pulled over by a police officer. I had my kids in the car and we were late for school. I was in a hurry and there was a car next to me, so I was not able to move over into the car pool lane.