Florence Taylor
Medieval Skeletons found under lavatory block in Westminster Abbey
The remains of at least 50 individuals, all believed to have lived through the events of 1066, have been discovered in Westminster Abbey, along with the skeleton of a three-year-old child.
#ShoutYourAbortion: Hashtag goes viral over Planned Parenthood funding cuts
Tens of thousands of women have taken to twitter to share their experience of abortion in response to the US House of Representatives vote to remove federal funding for planned parenthood.
Catholic Church 'out of touch' on marriage and families, say English Catholics
Members of the Catholic Church in England and Wales have issued a strong critique of the Church's teaching surrounding marriage and families.
White House asks Pope Francis for help with Americans in prison in Iran
The Obama administration is seeking advice from Pope Francis in the negotiation of the release of three American prisoners held in Iran, including Pastor Saeed Abedini, according to Politico.
One Christian is martyred every five minutes, persecution watchdog reports
A Christian persecution watchdog has released statistics suggesting a Christian is martyred for their faith every five minutes around the world.
Ben Carson: Islam does not align with the American constitution
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has said he would not support a Muslim candidate for the President of the United States.
Richard Dawkins questions motives of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, arrested for making clock
Richard Dawkins has caused uproar by questioning the motives of Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year-old who was arrested after his teacher thought a clock he made was a bomb.
Anglican preacher leaves CofE over his same-sex marriage
A Church of England lay reader has chosen marriage over his ministry, leaving the church in order to wed his partner of 15 years.
Islamic society dominated by 'ultra-conservative views' at Westminster University
Fear of Islamophobia led to complaints about the University of Westminster Islamic society being ignored by university officials.
Pope Francis says it's a closed book, but some Catholic women are getting ordained anyway
A Catholic organisation advocating women's ordination have organised a conference days before Pope Francis is due to speak in Philadelphia.
Christian missionary to return to Congo to fight for man accused of her shooting
Nine months after being shot by two armed robbers, a UK missionary will return to the Democratic Republic of Congo to fight for her alleged attacker.
White House invites LGBT Christians to Pope Francis' Visit
The White House has invited several opponents to traditional catholic teaching for Pope Francis' visit next week.