Florence Taylor
Christian woman attacks Katy Perry's dad, calling singer Satanic
Katy Perry's father was attacked by a woman who accused him of raising a "satanic woman" who was leading millions on the highway to hell.
Beyond us and them: What real community should look like
The world's model for community engagement is not what should be mirrored in the church, writes Florence Taylor.
Migrant woman leaves sanctuary of Arizona church for first time in 15 months
An immigrant from Mexico who has been living in an Arizona Church to avoid deportation has left its sanctuary for the first time in 15 months, following an agreement with immigration officials, her attorney has said.
'God is still good', says pastor whose pregnant wife was shot and died yesterday
The pregnant wife of the pastor of Resonate Church in Indianapolis has died after being shot in the head at her home by intruders, according to church officials.
The danger of winterization for refugees in Europe
Winter is coming and so are 600,000 refugees. Many presumed the influx of refugees into Europe would subside as the winter months drew close, but in fact the opposite is proving to be the case.
Pope calls for a 'bruised, hurting and dirty' Church
Pope Francis declared that the Catholic Church ought to be "bruised, hurting and dirty" rather than obsessed with money and power on Tuesday.
Philly Jesus seeks $70 million to fund global ministry
Philly Jesus, the ex-drug addict who now dresses like Jesus and preaches the gospel, has launched a new mission to kick start a global ministry, asking for $70 million on a Gofundme page.
One Nigerian woman's fight against Boko Haram
After surviving a violent bus attack that left five passengers dead, Hafsat Mohammed moved to North Eastern Nigeria to try and counter the violent extremism of Boko Haram through interfaith work.
Archdiocese of Milwaukee's bankruptcy plan approved after sexual abuse scandal
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee will emerge from bankruptcy, after a federal judge approved a bankruptcy plan that includes a $21 million settlement for victims of sexual abuse committed by priests.
Nigerian military arrest two of the 100 most wanted Boko Haram terrorists
Nigeria's military has said it has made its first two arrests as a result of publishing a list of the 100 most wanted Boko Haram suspects.
Egyptian security forces kill ISIS Sinai leader
Egyptian security forces have shot dead a leader of the Sinai branch of ISIS in a gunfight in Cairo.
Accused of witchcraft, Christians in Bangladesh narrowly escaped being burned alive
Four Christian families narrowly escaped being burnt alive in an arson attack by a group of Muslim extremists who accused them of witchcraft, according to UCA news.