Florence Taylor
Manny Pacquiao apologises for 'worse than animals' comment on homosexuality
Christian Filipino boxing champion-turned-politician Manny Pacquiao has apologised for his comment that those who condone homosexuality are "worse than animals".
The myth of modern atheism? Unbelief dates back to 500 BC, says Cambridge study
A new Cambridge University study published today argues that atheism is not a modern invention, but rather dates back to 500 BC.
Former ISIS sex slave speaks of moment family was massacred
A Yazidi woman who was held as a sex slave by ISIS has asked the world to unite in the fight against the terrorist group during a speech in London.
Son of Man.. Christ... Messiah... What do Jesus' titles tell us about His nature?
We all know that Jesus Christ came as the messiah and Lord of all creation. It rolls off the tongue. We've been saying it since Sunday School. But do we actually know what any of these titles we so frequently bestow upon Jesus reveal about the second member of the Trinity?
Catholics and the Zika Virus: Why abortion and contraception are very different issues
Because of its stance on abortion and contraception, secular writers are portraying the Church as a callous institution uninterested in the welfare of thousands of mothers and their potentially disabled children. These attacks are missing the point.
Love is more than a Valentine's card: 10 Bible verses that tell the truth about love
Scripture reveals the depths of love and its wide-ranging aspects that encompass more than just romantic feeling
Valentine's Day tip: Couples who pray together are happy together
Couples that pray together on a regular basis are happier, on average, than those who do not, according to a new study by the Institute for Family Studies.
Persecuted Christians are risking their lives to translate the Bible into their local language
An organisation that helps people translate the Word of God into their own languages is launching ten new Bible translation projects for the persecuted church in the next 30 days.
Desperate Iraqis fleeing ISIS are hearing the gospel in refugee camps
A Christian ministry is bringing hope to the thousands of displaced Christians in northern Iraq through both practical help and broadcasting the gospel.
Be Still: Citywide art festival bridges gap between sacred and secular
A festival in Manchester is seeking to bring together the spiritual and the secular through artworks across the city examining key Lenten themes such as stillness, temptation, prayer and mindfulness.
Obama offers prayer for persecuted Christians suffering under 'unspeakable violence'
President Obama today said that he will mark Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent alongside his "fellow Christians" in prayer for those who are persecuted around the world.
How to draw close to God when he feels far away
When we feel far from God and shrouded in darkness, we can stand on the truth that the light will return, and that our faith will prevail.