Esther Koh
When there is no miracle
Instead of thinking of why God didn't heal me or why He didn't answer my prayers, we should focus on what God can do through this.
Healing takes time
As we seek help for our hurt and what's broken or torn, let's persevere on in this recovery journey knowing that with the proper support and in time, we will once again be made whole.
Are we really listening to each other?
Though it can sometimes seems like a waste of time to stop to listen to others, doing so often benefits us.
Believing in God's promise when all you see is setbacks
What do we do when God's promise seems like the peak of a mountain slowly falling out of reach instead of coming closer; when we are in a bleak situation spiralling downhill further from our goal?
When new feels scary
Sometimes in life, we tend to agonise about an issue without doing anything about it.
It's hard to take no for an answer, even when it's from God
There are times when 'no' is the best answer for us, even if we don't realise it at the time.
Unhealthy guilt: When our best doesn't seem enough
Recently I've found myself feeling guilty all the time. It feels as if it's not good enough even when I try to do my best.
How should Christians respond when a leader makes a mistake?
We will not be rewarded for tearing others down but God loves it when we build others up.