David Walker
There's tribalism in politics and in the Church - and it isn't helping anyone
Exalting tribal loyalties so high, putting them almost on a level with God, is perhaps the single most corrupting force at work among Christians of our generation.
A special place in hellâ¦.and the road to heaven
Hell is not, as far as I would see it, other people. Hell is the absence of others, the absence of friends and companions, and of God.
St Francis and clergy abuse: What the saint teaches the church about suffering
Late in his life, Francis prayed one of the most challenging prayers I have ever come across. In it he asks that he might feel in his own body, as much as he can bear, the suffering of Jesus on the cross.
Power, abuse and the sense of entitlement
The language of entitlement is, first and foremost, the language of the rich and powerful. They have succeeded, and promote their entitlement to the full spoils of their triumph.
'In our grief, we call on God to strengthen us to resist evil.' The Bishop of Manchester on the suicide terror attack
Bishop of Manchester David Walker writes for Christian Today: 'Today is a desperately sad day. Manchester is famous for its music culture, and last night's attack is a direct assault on our desire to meet peacefully and enjoy seeing our favourite stars in person.'
Bishop of Manchester: How Christians can offer hope to the hopeless this Easter
Christians have received hope from God and are now free to give it to others, says David Walker.