Dave Luck
Down with this sort of thing: Brexit and the politics of opposition
Whether it's in the church or politics, just opposing things isn't very helpful.
After the Screaming Stops: Bros, fame and God
'He was a rectangle and I was a rectangle and we made a square, which therefore is a fortress'.
The art of the ordinary: How to let God help us make the best of the life we have
The risk is that people constantly chase the next thing, never settling to invest, never learning to be content with what they've been given.
Happy Tuesday: God is (still) with you
In our culture, once the festivities finish the malaise manifests.
I'm dreaming of a not weird Christmas
If we still had our son Ben it would be different in some ways. We lost Ben to cancer in 2011.
Great Expectations: How do we handle it when everything goes wrong?
I don't beat myself up about the past but these days I don't expect tidy solutions to life's challenges. My theology has changed.
Beyond remembrance: Why we need to do something different with our future
Our well-intentioned rationality does not change our hearts. Our good intentions are often just that.
Donald Trump, morality and amorality
Maybe I shouldn't be shocked by a world leader sidestepping an inconvenient truth.
Manic street preachers: Why they miss the point
These guys aren't there to listen to others. It's not a dialogue, it's a diatribe.
The narrow way: How phone control has become an essential spiritual discipline
In many ways our whole lives are on our phones these days. We don't just make calls and send texts, we organise life on our phone.
Aiming high: Why getting away with it isn't good enough
'We cannot measure ourselves by what we think we should also be able to get away with.'
Yes, he's the 'God of all comfort': but it's not what you think
The sense that life is about us having the most pleasant time possible has pervaded our culture and can easily then infect the church.