Czarina Ong
Donald Trump suggests 'chopping off heads' might be a good torture technique
Christians normally frown upon the practice of torture, but Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not one of them. The business magnate even revealed that "chopping people's heads off" would be a good torture technique to use when he wins the presidency.
Best-selling author Nicholas Sparks reveals his secret: 'God had a plan and then there's free will'
Bestselling romance novelist Nicholas Sparks is currently promoting his new movie "The Choice," which is about two unlikely people who found love when they least expected it.
Billy Graham offers Valentine's Day advice for lovers: 'Seek God's will for your marriage'
Love is in the air as Valentine's Day looms in the corner, and world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham is giving some timely advice for couples who are going steady and entertaining thoughts of marriage.
Atheist fails to shake off God from her life: 'He's found a way to stick around in my mind'
Despite growing up in a devout Christian home, Chicago writer Elizabeth King became an atheist. King admitted that she once "belived in the Bible" and "feared hell," but when she became a teenager, she found herself veering away from her family's born again beliefs.
Australian mother rejects doctors' abortion advice, gives birth to healthy quintuplets
A 26-year-old Australian mother expecting quintuplets was told that she had to sacrifice three of her babies in order to give two others a better chance at life. It was an impossible decision for any parent to contemplate, but Kim Tucci was set - she would not get an abortion.
Ted Cruz 'possessed by a demon': 2 men try to exorcise GOP bet at New Hampshire campaign event
Believing that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is "possessed by a demon," two men carrying mirrors and a wooden cross tried to perform an exorcism on him during his campaign event in Raymond, New Hampshire.
Jeremy Lin starts anti-bullying reading drive in schools, drawing 2,000 students
NBA star Jeremy Lin, who plays for the Charlotte Hornets, has inspired over 2,000 students to put a stop to bullying in schools by bravely taking a stand against it.
Kanye West says 'So Help Me God' is 'gospel album' but with a lot of cursing
Controversial rapper Kanye West is contemplating whether to name his eighth studio album "So Help Me God" or "Swish." And while the title of the album indicates that West is now making gospel music, nothing could be further from the truth since the album is filled with songs that carry curse words.
Pro-abortion group angry over Doritos' Super Bowl ad that 'humanises foetuses'
The pro-abortion group National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) is not pleased with the Super Bowl ad of Doritos, since it gave life to an unborn baby.
Joyce Meyer advises busy Christians: Find time to pray and study God's Word, make it your top priority
People get so caught up with their day-to-day activities that they are busy almost every day, but popular Christian speaker and author Joyce Meyer says that is not a good way to live.
Billy Graham says God does not mind Christians indulging in leisure activities
Many Christians feel guilty when they spend their free time indulging in leisure activities as opposed to devoting all of their time to God, but world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham says that God does not mind when His children enjoy recreational hobbies and activities.
Dillon and Amy Duggar King get matching tattoos for them 'to remember to focus on God's promise'
Despite just tying the knot late last year, Dillon and Amy Duggar King have decided to do something sweet to tie themselves to one another even further.