Czarina Ong
Joel Osteen says people should not lose their peace over something they cannot change
As much as people try to maintain a semblance of peace in their lives, there will always be bad things happening that will inevitably get them upset or riled up.
Franklin Graham furious after transgender teacher got $60,000 award from school for being 'misgendered'
Rev. Franklin Graham cannot understand why a transgender 5th grade teacher in Oregon was awarded $60,000 by the school district after she complained of being harassed and "misgendered" by her colleagues.
Hitler a Christian fighter? No way, says author Matt Barber, pointing out that he's actually an Islam apologist and atheist
German politician and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler professed to be a Christian during his lifetime, and claimed to have done acts in the name of God. However, blogger Matt Barber believes otherwise.
Creationist Ken Ham invites 'Science Guy' Bill Nye to Ark Encounter tour, offers free passes to veterans on May 30
Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham and "The Science Guy" Bill Nye have had their differences, especially concerning creationism, but Ham wants to set these aside as he invited Nye to visit the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky.
'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson wants to become Donald Trump's 'spiritual adviser'
Even though "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson would have preferred to see Sen. Ted Cruz in the White House, he is now stopping at nothing to support presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.
Former Olympian Jamie Nieto praises God despite being paralysed with neck injury
For any athlete, it is a huge misfortune to get an injury right before a big game. But former Olympian Jamie Nieto, who is a high jumper, is praising God for keeping him alive despite being paralysed with a neck injury.
Atheist Richard Dawkins says he's done writing anti-religious books: 'I've stepped back'
Well-known English atheist Richard Dawkins, author of the book "The Selfish Gene," celebrated recently the 40th anniversary of his work by saying that the book on evolution is still as relevant today as it was when it was first published back in 1976.
Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott describes her new single 'Thy Will' as a heartbroken letter to God
Christian singer Hillary Scott, from the country music group Lady Antebellum, has just shared details about her upcoming album "LOVE REMAINS by Hillary Scott & The Scott Family."
'The Young Messiah' now available for home viewing: A film 'unlike any Jesus movie you've ever seen'
The faith-based film "The Young Messiah," which is directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh and released by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, will be available for purchase on digital HD on May 24, and on DVD and Blu-Ray on June 14.
Social media campaign presses Disney to give Elsa a girlfriend in 'Frozen 2,' but not all fans agree
There has been a social media frenzy demanding that Disney provide Elsa from "Frozen" with a girlfriend in its sequel. It all started with a tweet made by 17-year-old activist Alexis Isabel (@lexi4prez), who said, "I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess. Imagine how iconic that would be." She then added the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.
Duck Dynasty's Sadie Robertson says it's difficult to 'keep up with people's opinions,' urges people to be true to themselves
Just like every other teenager in America, "Duck Dynasty" star and "Live Original" teenager Sadie Robertson has experienced the pitfalls of peer pressure.
Duggar news: Jill and Derick Dillard say Central America ministry is 'inadequate,' but God finds a way to draw people to Himself
Derick and Jill Dillard provided a recent update on their Christian ministry in Central America. They have been busy helping a team from the U.S. organise a women's conference, orphanage visit, home visits, football tournament, and medical clinic visit over the past few months, all the while preaching for the church and caring for their infant son Israel David.