Claire Musters
Pass it on - the value of wisdom from elders
Claire Musters shares some of the wisdom she's picked up over the years.
Following God: How do we become like sheep?
Claire Musters on learning to rest and follow the Shepherd.
How to be better at encouragement
Becoming an encourager is important, writes Claire Musters.
What one thing has God asked you to do today?
Claire Musters challenges us to listen to God more closely.
How to become a better listener - 8 simple tips
Claire Musters looks at how we can build each other up through paying attention.
Do we truly understand how to 'one another'?
Claire Musters looks at how we are able to express God's heart through community.
Why the Church needs Big Church Day Out
BCDO is an opportunity for Christians from all denominations to come together and respond to God's heart for unity.
Church: God's design for caring community
The more varied a church is, the more it is a wonderful picture of God's grace and design says Claire Musters.
Why we shouldn't forget the power of the gospel
We don't have to 'win people to Jesus' ourselves â the gospel holds the power to do that within itself, writes Claire Musters.
Five reasons why we need to repent more
The words 'sin' and 'repentance' might seem old-fashioned says Claire Musters, but they are as important as ever.
Do we truly understand our God-given authority?
Have you misunderstood the authority that being in Christ has provided you with?
Church isn't a competition â why do we so often make it into one?
It's easy to compare ourselves with others and desire to succeed, but Jesus calls us to servant-hearted leadership, writes Claire Musters.