Christian Today staff writer
Pray for believers from one of the world's most secret religions
Born into a religion you cannot convert to or from, Farah* met Jesus when searching for answers. Now others in her close-knit Druze community are getting to know him too.
Muslim doctor converts to Christianity and plants 50 churches
The inspirational story of Sanjay (name changed), who gave his life to Christ after he was healed from cancer.
How much should you be earning before you start tithing?
Tithing is coming back into fashion. But how much should you be earning before you start giving? Harry Farley says that is the wrong question.
10 Bible verses to help you grow in wisdom and stature
How do we attain wisdom? How do we adopt more of the wisdom of Christ into our own lives?
How can you be a Christian and think that!? Loving your enemy in politics
Christian Today went to the Christian in Politics Show Up weekend and discovered the power of the gospel in uniting political divides
Stressed? Overburdened? 10 Bible passages to remind you our God is a God of peace
It is often difficult to remember in our hectic modern lives that our God is a God of peace. Here are 10 Bible passages to remind you.
Lacking joy in your life? 10 Bible verses to remind you of God's gift
As winter approaches, Harry Farley reminds us that joy is not dependent on our surroundings but on Him.
Is the Church of England too left-wing?
Nick Baines, bishop of Leeds, has defended the Church of England as not being anti-Conservative. But is the Church of England actually institutionally left-wing?
Islamic State release photographs of teenage suicide bomber
Photos of a Syrian boy blowing himself up in a suicide attack in Iraq have been released by Islamic State militants.
Iraq: Christian forces to defend land against Islamic State
500 Christians in Iraq's Ninevah plains have joined forces to prevent Islamic State from taking more of their lands.
Iraqi Christians who fled Islamic State say they are not angry with God
Living in temporary accommodation and with no idea if they will ever return home, Christians in Kurdistan who fled Islamic State say they do not blame God for their suffering.