Christian Today staff writer
Amazon pulls 'Gayer' Bible with Rihanna as God and Trump as Satan, only to reinstate it later
He grew up in a 'super religious family,' but that isn't stopping gay comedian Elijah Daniels from mocking the Holy Book of 2 million Christians with his 'Gayer' Bible.
Marilyn Manson says Justin Bieber has apologized over 'Satan' T-shirt with his face on it: 'We're cool'
Christian pop star Justin Bieber texted an apology to the rocker after wearing a T-shirt during his Purpose Tour that had Marilyn Manson's face on the front and the slogan 'Bigger Than Satan. Bieber' on the back.
Witches are casting spells against Trump. Should he be worried?
Pagans are participating in a monthly sorcery session to cast a 'binding' spell on Donald Trump, according to Fox News.
Rosh Hashanah: Six facts you need to know as Justin Welby wishes 'Shanah Tovah'
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish festival marking the start of the new year, begins tonight and marks the beginning of ten High Holy days before Yom Kippur, the day of repentance, on 29 September.
How can Christians mobilise Africa's youth to help rebuild their continent?
The focus is on youth as African Christian leaders, young and old, meet this week in Youandé, the Cameroon capital for this year's African Biblical Leadership Initiative forum.
Mexico mourns its dead as search continues for earthquake survivors
The magnitude 7.1 shock killed at least 216 people, nearly half of them in the capital, less than two weeks after a powerful tremor killed nearly 100 people in the south of the country.
We may have to destroy North Korea, Trump tells UN
His words about North Korea drew the strongest reaction, with loud murmurs filling the green-marbled UN General Assembly hall.
Rev Richard Coles reveals how Strictly stars 'strip to our pants'
Rev Richard Coles has revealed how Strictly stars 'strip to our pants' for fake-tanning before their ballrooms routine as one of the show's judges rejected his call for same-sex dance partners.
Ancient church bells silenced after complaints from pub next door
A row has broken out around a Lake District church where bells that have tolled for more than a century have been silenced after guests at a pub next door complained of sleepless nights.
Christian tennis legend Margaret Court who opposes gay marriage is denied membership renewal by her club
The devoutly Christian tennis legend Margaret Court, who takes a conservative view on gay marriag,e has been denied renewal of her local club membership in Australia.
Thousands of kids missing out on vital religious education
As many as 800,000 secondary school pupils are not being taught religious education, in spite of a legal obligation by schools to teach about major systems of religion and belief.
Samuel Johnson, man of faith: 9 quotes from a literary legend
He had a deep, resolute Christian faith that kept him throughout his life in spite of frequent bouts of depression and self-torment.