Christian Today staff writer
Jessa and Ben Seewald take retreat to Hot Springs
Jessa and Ben Seewald take retreat to Hot Springs
Obama condemns 'depravity of Taliban attack that has killed 132 people in Pakistan
132 students killed in Taliban attack
Preschooler has stroke after riding two roller coasters
Preschooler has stroke after roller coaster ride
Woman who drove kids into the ocean ruled insane
Woman who drove kids into the ocean ruled insane.
Two dead after 9-yr-old drives car, evades police
Two dead after 9-yr-old drives car, evades police
Michelle and Jim Bob share their advice on grieving after 3rd anniversary of daughter's stillbirth
Michelle and Jim Bob share their advice on grieving after 3rd anniversary of daughter's stillbirth
Baby Jesus figurines blessed by Pope Francis
Baby Jesus figurines blessed by Pope Francis
40-yr-old Nativity scene removed after atheist complaints
40-yr-old Nativity scene removed after atheist complaints
IS beheads four Christian children: 'You just cry,' says the Vicar of Baghdad
IS beheads four Christian children
High school student stages protest over Ten Commandments plaque removal
High school student stages protest over Ten Commandments plaque removal
Mississippi pastor puts horse in a wedding dress in bizarre gay marriage protest
Mississippi pastor puts horse in a wedding dress to protest gay marriage
University of Maine has a change of heart over Christmas trees and candy canes
The University of Maine is reportedly reversing its decision to keep Christmas trees and candy canes out of public areas on campus because they were could be interpreted as "religious items".