Carey Lodge
Persecuted Christians in North Africa receive smuggled Bibles
Constant prayer has helped Christians to smuggle in Bibles and training materials for pastors in a North African country where believers face persecution.
Missionary pastor injured and wife killed in motorcycle crash
Tyus Butler, who leads the Labor of the Field church in Anderson, was seriously injured and his wife killed in a motorcycle accident in South Carolina on Saturday.
Pakistan: Christians protest plan to demolish four churches
Four churches are set to be torn down to make way for a train line in Pakistan, under plans campaigners have said will "belittle Christians".
New research suggests prayer helps reduce addiction
Prayer could help people addicted to alcohol experience fewer cravings, according to a new study.
10 stunning pictures of Orthodox Christians celebrating Easter
On May 1, Orthodox Christians celebrated Easter Sunday, just over month after Western Churches celebrated the day on March 27.
Report: Religious freedom under 'serious and sustained assault' around the world
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom found that religious liberty has deteriorated across the globe, with abuses committed by both state and non-state actors.
10 Bible verses for when you're facing a tough decision
In some circumstances, God will speak to us specifically about our choices, while in others he seems to be silent. But we can always trust that he wants the best for us.
Faith groups and NGOs urge international action on Syria: 'We cannot stand by in the face of this catastrophe'
More than 80 international NGOs and faith groups have issued an urgent plea to world leaders to stop the escalating crisis in Syria.
What should you do if your husband admits he's watching adult content?
A row broke out on Twitter yesterday over an email sent out by XXXChurch pastor Craig Gross.
Campaigners warn UN of 'extinction' of Christian communities in Middle East
The crisis in the Middle East is the "greatest humanitarian crisis since World War II", and the massacre of Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities demands international action, it was said at a UN meeting yesterday.
Christian pastor arrested and detained in China after legally defending churches
A Chinese pastor who has defended churches facing demolition has been arrested and detained along with his wife and son, campaigners say.
8 beautiful pictures of Orthodox Christians celebrating Holy Week in Jerusalem
This week, Orthodox Christians celebrate Holy Week, leading up to Easter on Sunday.