Carey Lodge
Tearfund urges G20 to champion transparency
Tearfund is calling on the G20 to focus on eradicating corruption including money laundering and tax evasion that is crippling some of the world's poorest communities.
Church of Scotland aims to attract more young leaders
The Church of Scotland has plans in place to attract more young people to ministry, with the hopes of creating a more age-balanced Church.
Church of Scotland wants Religious Observance changed to Time for Reflection
The Church of Scotland and the Humanist Society Scotland have joined together to appeal for a change in legislation that will encourage a more inclusive 'Time for Reflection' rather than specifically Christian 'Religious Observance' assemblies.
A call for 'urgent prayer and fasting' for Ukraine
As fighting continues in the capital city of Kiev and beyond, church leaders are asking Christians to show solidarity with Ukraine through prayer and fasting, in the hopes of securing a quick and peaceful political resolution to the civil conflict.
Student debt 'a very real fear' among parents
A YouGov survey reveals that parents worry how well their kids will budget when they first leave home.
Bride kidnapping: a horrific reality for thousands of girls
Compassion International is working to tackle marriage abduction through partnering with local organisations and churches, particularly among the Hmong community in South East Asia.
Catholic Church: don't judge, just pray
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has told believers to come alongside women facing unexpected pregnancies, and rather than judging them, to pray for and care for them as Jesus would.
Sorted: a revolution in media
In spite of a decline in the magazine industry, a magazine aimed at Christian men is bucking the trend and had doubled its circulation rate. We find out why there's an increased demand for a lads' mag with a difference.
David Suchet records the whole NIV Bible
David Suchet has made a 78 hour audio recording of the whole Bible, hoping to engage more people with Scripture.
App encourages prayer for women considering abortion
Online for Life has launched a new app that connects supporters to one another and notifies them of prayer requests, local and national pro-life events and stories to be celebrated.
Liverpool Passion plays ask: 'Whom do you seek?'
Liverpool Cathedral is taking a fresh look at the events of Jesus' trial, crucifixion and resurrection during its annual Passion plays, this year with the thought-provoking theme: 'Whom do you seek?'
A call to Reach Beyond and share the gospel
Mission organisation HCJB Global has changed its name to Reach Beyond to reflect its ongoing commitment to sharing the gospel with the whole world.