Carey Lodge
Suicide bomber kills Korean Christians on pilgrimage
Four were killed and over a dozen injured in a suicide bomb attack on a bus load of Christians visiting Israel on Sunday.
Nigeria: latest Boko Haram attack kills 106
Islamist militants have killed over 100 civilians in the Christian village of Izge, near the border of Cameroon in north-eastern Nigeria, according to reports.
The Kingdom expands when Christians take risks for the Gospel
Impact Nations Steve Stewart says Christians grow in effectiveness for the Kingdom when they take risks
Snake Salvation pastor dies of venomous bite
Jamie Coots, a Pentecostal pastor from Kentucky who featured in the "Snake Salvation" reality TV show has died after being bitten by a venomous snake during a sermon on Saturday.
Pre-nups will 'shatter' marriage
The Catholic Bishop of Shrewsbury has condemned plans for UK courts to legally recognise pre-nuptial agreements in divorce settlements, arguing that such a decision will "erode" the foundation of marriage.
The Pope before Francis
Pope Francis is one of the world's most beloved figures, but what of his predecessor - Pope Benedict XVI?
Looking for love?
A little note to bring some light relief this valentine's day!
Girlguiding: Religious members can mention God in promise
The Girlguiding movement has released a statement maintaining its commitment to having "one Promise for all", despite claims that they have backtracked on their decision to remove any reference to God.
Church reps to stay on Scottish education committees
The Scottish Government has backed religious representation on local authority education committees, despite calls from secularists to remove them.
Not for Sale: Premier launches anti-slavery campaign
Premier Christian Media's 'Not for Sale' campaign hopes to put an end to modern day slavery in the UK by encouraging MPs to support the Modern Slavery Bill that is scheduled to go before Parliament in May.
'Christians make better lovers' campaign success
Christian Connection's bold ad campaign on the London Underground has resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of new members joining the UK dating site.
Welsh churches seek to lead the way in choosing fairtrade
Welsh churches are set to highlight issues of poverty and justice next week, as they encourage congregations to buy fairtrade products at the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight.