Carey Lodge
Joel Osteen's church robbed of $600k
Megapastor Joel Osteen's Houston church was victim to a $600,000 robbery this week, as cheques and cash were stolen from a safe.
Get on your bike: bishop ditches car for Lent challenge
Rather than the usual fare of no chocolate, caffeine or cake, the Bishop of Ramsbury has taken on an unusual challenge this Lent; he's given up the use of his car.
John Ortberg's megachurch to leave PCUSA at a cost of $9m
Popular Christian author and leader of Menlo Park Presbyterian John Ortberg has announced that his Californian church will be leaving the PCUSA.
The Year of Pope Francis
We look back at the first year of Pope Francis' papacy
Are attempts to promote worldwide religious freedom naive or necessary?
Elizabeth Berridge and Alistair Burt MP were among the panellists debating how important religious freedom is to the flourishing of society
How to engage young people with the Bible
Adrian Blenkinsop of the Bible Society discusses the impact of youth disengagement with the Bible, and how to combat it.
Mark Driscoll in hot water over book sales
US Megapastor Mark Driscoll has been accused of using underhand tactics to ensure his book 'Real Marriage', co-written with his wife Grace, made it onto bestsellers lists.
Duck Dynasty Sadie Robertson: 'People tell me not to turn out like Miley Cyrus'
The Robertsons are devoted Christians and have caused some controversy for being uncompromising in their beliefs on camera.
Syrian children urge world leaders to 'wake up'
World Vision has released a report written by Syrian children in which they detail their plight and call for stronger intervention from the international community.
World Vision joins UN pledge to end the use of child soldiers
World Vision has pledged its support for a UN campaign to put an end to the recruitment and use of children within Government forces by 2016.
20 years after Rwandan Genocide, healing and reconciliation continue
Bishop of Kigali, the Right Reverend Louis Muvunyi, told reporters in London on Tuesday that poverty is hampering the reconciliation process
Noah shows the Bible is still relevant, say biblical scholars
Biblical scholars contend that Hollywood's portrayal of Noah may well take some liberties from the original text, but that it will also open up conversation about the enduring significance of the Bible in contemporary culture.