Carey Lodge
Recession raises suicide rate by over 10,000 - but where are our chaplains?
Horror stories of Wall Street bankers jumping to their deaths made headlines in the wake of the 2008 recession, and shocking new research reveals that the economic crisis resulted in more than 10,000 suicides.
Fourth woman in three weeks found hanging in India
Another young woman has been found dead; hung from a tree in a village in northern India â the fourth to undergo such horrific treatment in the past three weeks.
Christ the Redeemer is the real star of the FIFA World Cup
Though the world's best footballers are now gathered in Brazil, it seems the international press have eyes for one man only - Rio's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue.
It's Christendom's answer to Pride of Britain: Nominations open for the Youth Work Awards
It's Christendom's answer to Pride of Britain: Nominations open for the Youth Work Awards
UK faith schools to have fewer religious pupils
New Church of England schools are not likely to give priority to Anglican pupils, instead offering 100 per cent of admissions to students from all faiths and none
Southern Baptists condemn transgender people
The annual Southern Baptist Convention voted yesterday to oppose the moral validation of transgender people, approving a proposal that affirms "God's original design to create two distinct and complementary sexes".
Melbourne churches feel let down by inflatable Jesus
Australians were met with an unusual sight this morning in Melbourne as a 46m tall inflatable Jesus - wearing the Australian football team's official kit emblazoned with #keepthefaith - floated serenely across the skies.
Millions of children will stay trapped in poverty despite government strategy say UK experts
Following the publication of the government's strategy to end child poverty, The Children's Society has warned that it won't go far enough
Anti-homeless studs have been around for years and are part of a wider problem, say experts
Pictures of 'anti-homeless studs' went viral over the weekend, causing a furore on Twitter, but experts say they are nothing new - and we need to engage compassionately with the homeless community.
Angelina Jolie co-hosting Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in War
Actor and philanthropist Angelina Jolie is co-hosting a four-day summit in London this week which is to focus on combating the use of sexual violence and rape in war.
'There is no third way' â Albert Mohler says churches can't hold a middle ground on homosexuality
President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary rejects idea that there can be a "third way" between acceptance and rejection of homosexuality.
Anti-suicide chaplains in desperate need of funding
The award-winning Beachy Head Chaplaincy team is facing the prospect of having to close its doors if it doesn't find extra funding soon.