ASSIST News Service
New live album from Keith and Kristyn Getty
Getty Music has announced the release of the first live album from Keith and Kristyn Getty, which was recorded at The Gospel Coalition in Orlando, Florida, this past spring
Prayers for Randy Travis
Country music stars and fans joined together to urge prayers for Randy Travis overnight as he recovered from brain surgery following a stroke at a Texas hospital.
Randy Travis undergoes surgery after stroke
Randy Travis suffered a stroke and was undergoing surgery to relieve pressure on his brain Wednesday evening, his publicist said.
Luis Palau brings message of hope to 45,000 in Venezuela
Three weeks of worldwide evangelistic television programming culminated this past Saturday at Juventud Libre, a lively, open-air festival in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. An estimated 45,000 people converged at the city's bicentennial fairgrounds, forming a crowd so large it swelled into nearby streets.
India: Gospel for Asia teams reach flood-hit villagers
Gospel for Asia's Compassion Services Team has reached one of the areas worst-affected by flooding in India
Christians vulnerable in Egypt turmoil
No soft target so clearly represents opposition to Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) as the Coptic Church, making it exceptionally vulnerable.
Christian tried in Iran
Mostafa Bordbar has been tried for his faith in the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.
KP Yohannan study guide addresses 'spiritual bankruptcy' in church pews
In a society saturated with independence, self-actualisation and indulgent lifestyles, author KP Yohannan gives new emphasis to surrender and obedience as the true path to spiritual peace and healing in the second release of "Touching Godliness".
Two wounded in attack on Baghdad church
Gunmen injured two security guards when they opened fire on St Mary Assyrian Church in Baghdad on Tuesday morning
'No2Persecution' song becomes hit during Refugee Week in Scotland
A thematic song dedicated to Global Minorities Alliance (GMA), and sung by Shazar Khan, received great applause from the audience, directors and composer of the program "Here We Stay", during a performance for Refugee Week in Glasgow.
Will Graham brings message of peace to 21,000 in Kenya
Nearly 53 years after evangelist Billy Graham preached to the people of Kisumu, Kenya, his grandson, Will Graham, returned to carry forth the same message of hope through Jesus Christ.
India: Police distance themselves from religious motive in murder of Christian
Police in India's remote Tripura state are backing away from earlier statements that the Christian faith of a convert from Hinduism was a factor in his murder.