Anne Thomas
Whalley Methodist Church Prepares 200th anniversary Celebration Week
As Whalley Methodist Church marks their 200th anniversary, preparations are under way for a special celebration week...
Execution for Indonesian Christian Militants Delayed
Indonesia has delayed the execution of three Christian militants convicted of killing Muslims until after August 17, national police chief Sutanto...
Aging Billy Graham Focuses More on God, Less on Politics
Billy Graham, loved the world over as one of the leading figures in Christianity today, has admitted he is more interested in God as he gets older...
Tearfund Urgent Before UN Climate Change Conference
Tearfund is urging people concerned with the climate to write to the Secretary of State for the Environment ahead of a major UN conference...
British Artist Featured in World’s Largest Christian Dance Music Festival
The World’s largest Christian dance music festival hits the global stage 25-27 August...
Christians Condemn Killings of Aid Workers in Post-Tsunami Sri Lanka
Christian Aid has condemned the killings of 15 local aid workers in Sri Lanka over the weekend, which has sent shock waves across aid agencies...
UK Christian Youth Magazine Devotes August Issue to ‘Sex’
Leading UK Christian youth magazine ‘Youthwork’ has devoted its entire August edition on the theme of ‘sex’. Articles include topics on...
Tony Blair Shares Lebanon Concerns with Christian Aid Director
Following a protest demanding an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon Saturday, Tony Blair spoke with Christian Aid Director Dr Daleep Mukarji...
Mariah Carey Testifies New Career Success Down to God
American pop queen Mariah Carey recently has announced that her two biggest loves are God and her pastor. The singer credits her faith with helping her recover from a breakdown after the failure of her 2002 album Glitter.
Alice Cooper Opens Christian Recreation Centre for Troubled Kids
Alice Cooper, the rocker who brought to life the term “shock rock” has announced plans to open a US$3 million (£1.6 million) Christian recreation centre in Phoenix, Arizona, to help troubled kids.
Afghanistan Deports Hundreds of Korean Christians for 'Spreading Christianity'
Afghanistan has ordered hundreds of South Korean Christians to leave the country yesterday, accusing them of seeking to undermine Islamic culture...
Britain’s Largest Pentecostal Church Prepares Big Move Convention
The New Testament Church of God (NTCG), Britain’s largest black Pentecostal denomination, is preparing for its annual National Big Move Convention...