Anne Thomas
Religious Leaders Call for Darfur Suffering to End
Senior members of the Muslim, Jewish and Christian faiths in the UK will gather outside Downing Street on Sunday to call for an end to the suffering in Darfur.
Children's Society Hosts London Bridges Walk for Saftey Awareness on Streets
The Children's Society and Premier Radio are uniting today for a London Bridges Walk to raise money that will help children at risk on the streets.
Sentamu Urges Muslims to 'Love Thy Neighbour'
The Archbishop of York urged Muslims yesterday to 'love thy neighbour' and learn to live with those they believe feel hostility towards them.
UK Churches Debate Jesus on Pint Glasses
The annual Christmas campaign from the Churches' Advertising Network (CAN) will feature an image of Jesus on pint glasses as part of a campaign to encourage young people back to the church.
Christian Aid Partner Leads Rally for Liberty in Sri Lanka
Christian Aid partner MONLAR (Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform) organised a rally yesterday where more than 2,000 people marched through the streets of the Sri Lankan capital Colombo to protest against enforced liberalisation policies by the World Bank.
Christian Aid Joins Call for Boycott Following Singapore Crackdown
Christian Aid is leading a boycott by civil society groups of this year's annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) in Singapore as authorities there continue to ban their representatives from entering the country.
Archbishop of York Named Chancellor of New University
The Archbishop of York has been named York St John University College's chancellor when it becomes a university later this year. The archbishop will be officially installed in a ceremony in March, at York Minster, before an audience of staff and students.
Pope Aims to Revive Christianity in Germany
Pope Benedict XVI returned to his Bavarian homeland this past weekend for a six-day pilgrimage to address two key issues that are increasingly binding...
Christian Aid Provides Worship Pack on Climate Change
Climate change has caught the public’s attention, leading to an increase in demand more information and theological reflection on the issue...
Justice Junction Readies to 'Party Against Poverty'
Justice Junction, a 'Party Against Poverty', will take place Friday 22 September, featuring DJ Andy Hunter and Quench. The well-known..
Hundreds Commemorate 9/11 British Victims
Relatives and friends of British victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks have travelled to New York to be at the site of the World Trade Centre...
Christian Aid to Join Faith Communities in Prayer for Darfur
Christian Aid will join other organisations on 17 September, as churches, mosques and synagogues across the UK will be praying for the people...