Anne Thomas
Christian Outreach Ministry Welcomes Pat Robertson at Annual Event
American outreach Christian Library International (CLI) welcomes renowned televangelist and author, Pat Robertson, as featured speaker at its fourth annual Author Dinner fundraiser.
Millions of Evangelical Christians Pray for Israel
Evangelical pastors, parliament members, and leaders from across the globe gathered at the Knesset in Jerusalem to proclaim their support for Israel during a meeting of the Caucus, which was also attended by Knesset Members from across the political spectrum.
Christian Aid Welcomes Miliband's Speech on Climate Change
Christian Aid welcomed the speech by Environment Secretary David Miliband at the Labour conference in Manchester yesterday. Mr Miliband said people "should be scared" of global warming - and be ready to take action to help tackle the problem.
Baptist Minister Crosses Legal Boundaries in Call Against Climate Change
Christian organisations like Tearfund and Christian Aid have strongly protested against global climate change in the past year, urging the public to live a 'greener' life and cut down on activities that would harm the environment...
Tearfund Talks About Hidden Emergency in Poor Countries
Christian relief agency Tearfund noted at a fringe meeting at the Labour Party Conference in Manchester this week that the billions of people in the developing world without access to clean water and latrines represent a "hidden emergency".
New Prayer Event for Young Adults in London
A new prayer event for young adults (16-30) will be launched 5 October, at St Andrew's, Holborn Circus, London. Rt Rev Richard Chartres, Anglican Diocese of London said...
Christians Embark on 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus
Christians will be asking God to help Muslims accept Jesus in a campaign called the ''30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus.'' Organised by evangelical groups that include Youth With A Mission, which works in about 150 countries, the National Association of Evangelicals in the United States is asking the thousands of churches and ministries it represents to participate.
Prince Charles Could be Crowned in Multifaith Ceremony
Prince Charles could be crowned king in a multifaith ceremony, a senior church official has recently revealed.
Thousands Mourn as Executed Indonesian Christians are Buried
Thousands of mourners gathered Sunday for the burial of three Christian militants who were executed for attacks on Muslims during sectarian strife six years ago.
EU Leaders Should Support Pope, says European Commission President
Following the Pope's controversial comments about Islam, the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said yesterday that more European leaders should have spoken out in support of the Pope, who was slammed by the public.
Anti-Gay Bishops Vote to Split Evangelical Church
A new church structure has been created yesterday for evangelicals in the United States who oppose homosexuality, initiated by leaders of the Anglican Church's conservative wing.
Students Look to Fight Global Issues with Christian Aid
Christian Aid is raising the next generation of high-energy campaigners and development workers with its Pressurepoints scheme, now in its second year. The scheme works by