Anne Thomas

  • Beautiful Awakening for Stacie Orrico

    Christian pop sensation Stacie Orrico will release her new album Beautiful Awakening, which will hit stores 16 January 2007. Album producers include Dallas Austin, Dwayne Bastiany, KayGee and The Underdogs and writing duties are performed by notable songwriters like Shekspear, Track & Field, Anthony Dent, newcomer Novel and Orrico herself.

  • Archbishop Questions Morality of Trident

    The Archbishop of Canterbury has questioned the need, legality and morality of updating Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent. On Monday, Tony Blair outlined plans to spend up to £20bn on a new generation of submarines for Trident missiles, telling MPs it would be "unwise and dangerous" to give up nuclear weapons.

  • HIV Discrimination in UK Causing Poverty

    Hate crime and discrimination against people with HIV in the UK are driving some into poverty and isolation, according to a report by the National Aids Trust and Crusaid charities.

  • Soul Survivor Announces New Event for 2007

    Youth ministry Soul Survivor recently announced a new event for 2007: Soul Survivor C. The event takes place at the Cheshire Showground near Knutsford, from the 3-7 August, 2007.

  • Tearfund to Launch 'Work A Miracle' on World Aids Day

    More than 250 young adults in Northern Ireland will help Christian relief agency Tearfund launch their new Work a Miracle appeal at the Strand cinema, Belfast, on World AIDS Day. The appeal aims to help HIV-infected women get access to medicines and information that will prevent their babies being born with the disease.

  • Operation Christmas Child US Denies Banning Christian Items

    An official with the US branch of Operation Christmas Child (OCC), an outreach of the international relief ministry Samaritan's Purse, has denied claims that the programme banned its donors from offering religious items to children.

  • Bishop Warns of Youth Clubs and Welfare Projects Closures in Wake of Gay Right Laws

    A senior Church of England bishop has warned that Anglican youth clubs, welfare projects and charities may close because of new gay rights laws, in the wake of the protest by Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham Vincent Nichols against Government interference in the moral beliefs of Christians.

  • Cross Gains Victory, BA Withdraws Controversial Ban

    British Airways has withdrawn its controversial ban on workers wearing a visible cross, following widespread condemnation and criticism from within the UK and around the globe.

  • Indians Believe God is Macro-Manager, Not Responsible for Human Actions

    According to a recent survey, most Indians perceive God as a macro-manager responsible for controlling things like the earth's rotation rather than being in charge of the actions of humans on a day-to-day basis.

  • The Nativity Story Premieres in the Vatican

    New Line Cinema's "The Nativity Story" will debut this Sunday at the Vatican. The new film version of the Christmas story will open in theatres worldwide on December 1.

  • African Pastor to Raise Awareness of HIV in Scotland

    An African pastor who suffers from HIV will be visiting Scotland from 24 November to 8 December for a series of events to raise awareness of the plight of Africans affected by HIV.

  • Archbishop Says Countries Should Not Panic About Immigrants

    The Archbishop of Canterbury recently said that countries should not "panic" about immigrants or succumb to the belief that a standoff between Islamic and Western culture was inevitable.