Anne Thomas
Easter Chocolate Linked to Slavery, Campaigners Report
Thousands of children are being forced to work as slave labour on cocoa farms to help produce Easter eggs, campaigners claimed yesterday.
Thousands Celebrate Holy Week in Jerusalem
A wave of visitors celebrated Holy Week in Jerusalem at the sites where Christians mark the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
US Christian Foundation Tops $2 Billion Mark in Donations
US-based charity The National Christian Foundation (NCF) announced that it has topped $2bn in donations since 1987.
Christian Aid Applauds Brown's Anti-Poverty Efforts
Christian Aid applauded Gordon Brown's efforts at Gleneagles today as he acknowledged the dedication of campaigners who want to see an end to global poverty.
Youngsters Ignorant of Easter, Somerfield Survey Shows
A survey published by supermarket chain Somerfield has shown that many youngsters in the UK do not know what Easter signifies. Somerfield's survey, which was conducted as part of their marketing campaign, found that one-in-six 16 to 24-year-olds know nothing about Good Friday, the commemoration of Jesus' crucifixion.
Refurbished Holyrood Church Reopens Doors
Following a 15-month closure for modernisation, Holyrood Abbey Church is set to reopen its doors. The refurbished church, which was redesigned by Malcolm Fraser Architects, will open for the first time for an Easter Sunday service.
Christian Aid Partner Assists in Wake of Gaza 'Sewage Tsunami'
A Christian Aid partner has launched a rescue operation after a flood of sewage swept through a village in the northern Gaza Strip killing at least five people.
Bethany Dillon's New Album Reveals Spiritual Growth
Popular US Christian artist, Bethany Dillon, who released her 2004 self-titled debut album to commercial and critical acclaim at the age of 15, returns today (April 3) in the US with a new studio project, Waking Up.
Clare Short, Joel Edwards to Join JustShare Slavery Event
Marking the 200th year since the act to abolish the transatlantic slave trade came into action, JustShare will host its annual May Day event 'Ending slavery: then and now?' on Tuesday 1 May.
London Tops World Vision Goal for Child Sponsor Campaign
Londoners accounted for more than 40 per cent of the total number of people to sign up to World Vision's 2006 campaign to find child sponsors for impoverished children in Third World countries.
Bible Society Launches International Mobile Phone Service
The Bible Societies around the world, including the UK, America, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Russia and South Africa, recently launched an international direct-to-consumer mobile internet site for delivering the Bible to mobile phone subscribers worldwide.
Former Newsboy Encourages Children to 'Rock and Roll' With their Bibles
Former Newsboys bassist, Phil Joel, hopes his latest kids project, the deliberateKids album, will go some way to hinder the "aggressive media assault" directed at children.