Anne Thomas
Tell the story of Christ's birth this Christmas - Scottish Bible Society
The head of the Scottish Bible Society has told Christians to tell people the deeper story of the birth of Christ this Christmas.
Dr Who tops celebrity teacher poll
Dr Who star David Tennant has come out on top in a Children's Society poll asking children to name their ideal celebrity teacher.
Government enlists church group to raise public participation in budgets
Church Action on Poverty (CAP) has welcomed the announcement from Communities Secretary Hazel Blears of plans to give local communities a greater say in what council money is spent on.
'Look beyond Christmas,' say Scotland's Churches
The leaders of Scotland's major Christian denominations have made history by speaking as one voice in their first ever joint Christmas message this week.
Duke of Edinburgh meets Christian microfinance workers in Uganda
Duke of Edinburgh meets staff of the Five Talents microfinance programmes in Uganda where they are working to help 1,500 people achieve financial independence.
Christian Aid wants wealthy nations to foot lion's share of climate change bill
Christian Aid is hoping next week's UN Climate Change Conference will see wealthy nations foot the largest share of the bill for developing nations already having to adapt to climate change.
Salvation Army bringing relief to Papua New Guinea disaster zone
Salvation Army staff in Papua New Guinea are bringing urgent relief to victims of the widespread flooding caused by Cyclone Guba.
First ever Green Church Awards
The first ever Green Church of the Year award was handed to Holy Trinity, Cleeve in Somerset earlier this week.
Global warming will push Asia into reverse, warns new report
The largest study yet from a coalition of leading UK poverty and environment groups warns that immediate action is needed before Asia goes 'Up in Smoke'.
Steven Curtis Chapman's 16th album 'among the best'
Multi-platinum, Grammy-winning Christian artist Steven Curtis Chapman celebrated the US release of his 16th album last week.
Historic mission societies considering merger
Church Mission Society (CMS) and the South American Mission Society (SAMS) are currently in talks over a possible merger or closer collaboration.
'Good marriages don't just happen,' says Care for the Family
"Good marriages don't just happen - they need an investment of time and effort."