Angie Chui
Jana Duggar still searching for Mr. Right but won't get married to the first guy who comes along
Will Jana Duggar finally find love of her own? This is the question foremost on everyone's mind after the premiere of the Duggars' new show "Jill and Jessa: Counting On" which focuses on the married Duggar girls as they rear their new families.
Billy Graham on why Pontius Pilate didn't let Jesus go even though he believed he was innocent
Billy Graham once warned Christians of today against succumbing to peer pressure, like Pontius Pilate did to Jesus when he ordered him to be cruicified.
Why the blame game in marriage is a bad idea
It is natural for marriages to suffer from challenges but these could be compounded by spouses blaming each other and even cause the relationship to crumble.
Christian cancer widow Kimberley Kuo on why she cannot support assisted suicide
Despite her own experience of losing her husband to brain cancer when he was just 44, she regards assisted suicide as man wrongly taking upon themselves the power that should be God's alone.
Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr explains why he asked Kanye West to design the cover of his book
Kanye designed the cover for the pastor's first book "Sandcastle Kings: Meeting Jesus In a Spiritually Bankrupt World."
If Apple complied with the FBI's demand to unlock terrorist's iPhone, persecuted Christians could be harmed, warns IT expert
Apple is currently figuring in a conflict with the FBI over the agency's request to create a backdoor to the iPhone in order to unlock possible evidence from a dead terrorist's iPhone 5C, but one Christian IT expert says there's more to think about than may initially meet the eye.
Hulk Hogan thanks God after Gawker win
Wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan finally landed his biggest victory outside of the ring when a Florida court ruled in his favour in the controversial Gawker case that involved the publication of a sex tape featuring him and his best friend's wife Heather Clem.
Pastors asked to think before they post on social media
Lifeway founder Thom S. Rainer is cautioning pastors to step back for a moment and remember their role in church and wider society before following their impulses.
Marilyn Manson does his own version of Justin Bieber's 'Bigger than Satan' T-Shirt
Self proclaimed Satanist and rock and roll star Marilyn Manson finally hit back at pop star Justin Bieber for his "Bigger than Satan" outfit he wore on his Purpose concert tour featuring the rocker's face.
4 things you can do when you've stopped making progress
Leaders drive organisations. But in order to steer the group in the proper direction, those in the drivers' seat often find it hard to balance the tendency to either drive too hard to a decision, or stay afraid to drive at all.
Man leaves 30,000-strong toy car collection to Minnesota church
When a churchgoer left all of his worldly possessions to the Celebration Church in Minnesota upon his passing, they were not prepared to find a giant car collection with it.
Greg Laurie on the tell-tale signs of a dying church
Pastor Greg Laurie of the Harvest Christian Fellowship Church knows a thing or two about keeping the ministry alive and in the hearts of the faithful. Still, there are times when even a strong faith and devotion can be overpowered by temptation and trial in a way that results in spiritual death.