Andy Flannagan
What would Ronald Reagan say to Donald Trump and the 2016 Republican Convention?
What would Ronald Reagan say to Donald Trump and his convention? We don't have to guess...
Tony Blair and Chilcot: Lessons from a PR magician
The real question is not whether the war was carried out well but why we let the narrative of Iraq became front and centre at all.
A hymn for Brexit
Struggling to know how to lead your Sunday service following the EU referendum? This hymn may help.
EU referendum: 'Coming together' is impossible if we never meet
Whether you are happy, sad or indifferent today, more than ever, your country needs you, writes Andy Flannagan.
6 ways to survive an EU referendum
Andy Flannagan attempts to provide a dinghy of sanity in the midst of an English Channel of confusion.
What Donald Trump teaches all of us about Original Sin
Andy Flannagan agrees with Donald Trump â you may be surprised...
If you care about your neighbour, you care about politics
Politics are how we get to make a difference for good, Andy Flannagan argues.
Democracy vs adolescent capitalism
You can see why some feel that protest and peaceful awkwardness is the only option if politicians are impotent and nobody else will listen
Politics as mission
Politics is just people serving people so for a Christian, nothing should be more natural, says Andy Flannagan.