Andre Mitchell
Feeding the hungry: Pastor's daughter shows how Christians can help others even from comforts of their own homes
June Ross, a former stay-at-home mother, was recently awarded The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for Voluntary Service--the highest award given to voluntary groups in the UK--for her efforts to feed the hungry in her country.
Almost 9 in every 10 Americans consider birth control as 'highly acceptable,' survey shows
Although some Christians are worried that it might lead to a culture of promiscuity especially among the youth, the use of condoms, pills and other contraceptives seems to be a non-issue for a huge number of Americans.
Scottish Episcopal Church takes first step towards allowing same-sex marriage as sanctions loom
If it approves same-sex unions, the Scottish Episcopal Church may face sanctions from the Anglican Communion, of which it is a member.
WHO recommends delaying pregnancy for couples living in areas hit by Zika virus
In its interim guidance update released earlier this week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) advised people living in areas affected by the Zika virus to consider delaying pregnancy to avoid having babies with birth defects, such as deformed heads.
Scientists claim to have solved mystery of why ancient 'hobbits' from Indonesia are so small
Researchers however claimed that they have already unlocked the secret of the hobbits, and it has something to do with the conditions of the environment they lived in.
Homosexuality issue causing Mennonite Church USA to break apart amid declining loyalty, growing conflict
Christians from the Mennonite Church in the United States continue to be divided on whether their denomination should be open to gays and lesbians, and this issue is perceived to be causing the church to break apart.
Top scientist claims proof that God exists, says humans live in a 'world made by rules created by an intelligence'
A respected figure in the scientific community recently said he found evidence proving that there is a Higher Being, which he described as the action of a force "that governs everything."
Number of Americans who experimented with homosexual acts doubled in past 24 years, survey shows
Based on this poll, only 4.25 percent of Americans engaged in gay activities back in 1973. By 2014, this number alarmingly skyrocketed to 8.5 percent of the 28,000 survey respondents who openly shared their sexual experiences.
'Miracle treatment': Stroke patients able to regain mobility in less than a month after stem cell injections
Using donated adult stem cells, researchers from the Stanford University's School of Medicine were able to successfully treat patients whose legs and arms were earlier rendered immobile after suffering stroke.
How to avoid a 'broken' heart: Married people more likely to survive cardiac arrest, study shows
A recent study from the United Kingdom showed that individuals who take their marriage vows are less likely to have their hearts broken, in the medical sense.
Following Christ's example: Christians joining delegates from other religions to tackle leprosy woes in Rome conference
Representatives of the world's major religions will gather in the Vatican this week to discuss ways to promote the prevention and find new treatments to leprosy.
Fellow Christians praise Methodists' decision to reverse pro-abortion stance
Evangelicals and Baptists cheered the United Methodist Church (UMC) for reversing its supportive stance on killing innocent babies--a position that has been taken by Methodists for the past 46 years.