Alannah Francis
4 ways to make more time to give thanks each day
We shouldn't have to wait until we can't have or do something to be appreciative of its value but with such busy lives we can all fall into the trap of taking things for granted. So, how can we make more time to give thanks?
Free ice-cream for customers who stop using mobile phones at Chick-fil-A
When we do finally get the chance to share a meal together, we're often left vying for our loved ones' attention as they check their mobile phones or other electronic devices. It's no wonder that some people have felt the need to impose mobile phone bans at their dinner tables, dinner parties and social gatherings. And now one fast-food chain has taken this a step further.
Church etiquette: do we need rules on how to behave at Church?
A few weeks ago a note was inserted into every newsletter at my Church. The note listed a set of points on how to behave respectfully before, during and after Mass. It wasn't the first time I'd seen such a note and I doubt it will be the last.
Forgiveness can be tough. Here's why we must do it
CS Lewis once described "thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" as the most unpopular of the Christian virtues because in Christian terms "neighbour" encompasses enemies and because of this the command requires that we forgive our enemies.
International Women's Day: Words of Wisdom from 4 Remarkable Christian Women
This International Women's Day, we take a look at four remarkable Christian women from various fields, of various time periods, and their words of wisdom.
Bible verses on the beautiful bond between grandparents and grandchildren
The relationship between grandchildren and grandparents is a very special one and in families where the grandparents step in to take care of their grandkids for regular or extended periods, the bond between the two generations can grow even stronger.
'Blessed': How is this word used in the Bible?
You'll be used to seeing #blessed attached to posts from a variety of social media accounts, regardless of their religious views or lack thereof, if you're a regular user of almost any social media platform. Even some Christians have found themselves using the term to express their appreciation of what they perceive as gifts from God. But are we right to use it in this way?
There's more to Lent than fasting: a look at the 3 components of Lenten observance
If you only paid attention to the mainstream media, you would be forgiven for thinking that Lent is all about fasting in response to Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, and not much else.
Faith and politics: What these 2016 US presidential candidates have said about their beliefs
With the excitement of Super Tuesday over, the presidential candidate field is being defined even more. But what about the faith of the candidates?
4 lessons we can learn from Mary, the mother of Jesus
As many of us in the UK are looking forward to celebrating Mother's Day this Sunday, our minds are focused on the remarkable things that our mothers have done for us and how they inspire us. In the midst of all this, let's take some time to reflect on lessons that we can learn from one of the most well known female figures in the Bible, Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Shopping, Scripture and the Sabbath: Why so many Christians are against plans to extend Sunday trading hours
The issue of shopping on a Sunday is a hot topic in the UK at the moment as the British government deliberates over whether to pass a law to extend Sunday trading hours. But why is this such a big issue for Christians today?
7 ways to keep your Christian faith strong while traveling
Whenever we get the chance to take a holiday we see it as a break from the everyday tasks and responsibilities that we are required to do. But it shouldn't mean that we break away from God. Here are some of the ways you can keep your faith strong while travelling.