Alannah Francis
Feeling like you've failed God? Here are 4 prayers for you
Disappointing someone who we admire more than anyone else can have a huge impact on our confidence to do the right thing. Once we've recovered from the guilt, one of the first things that we want to do is make it up to the person we've let down and prove to this person and ourselves that we're better than our last mistake.
Heading off on holiday? Here are 9 Bible verses to read before you go
Along with our sun cream, shades and travel sickness tablets, as Christians, one form of protection that we should also ensure we value is God's. It doesn't matter how far you go from home, He stays with you every step of the way.
9 Bible verses for when you're heartbroken and looking for healing
If you are feeling brokenhearted, allow the following Bible verses to console you as God mends your broken heart.
Wanting to pray but can't find the 'right' words? Here are 3 prayers to share when the world seems hopeless
In the aftermath of a personal tragedy, many of us seek solace and support from God through prayer. However you formulate your prayers in tragic times, you may find it helpful to add the ones below into rotation. If you know someone who's trying to pray for the first time or the first time in a long time you could pass these on to them or share them on your social media accounts for others to use as inspiration.
Feeling like a failure? Here are 8 Bible verses to give you hope
If you've knowingly let someone or God down and you feel as though the subsequent guilt is tearing you apart, the following Bible verses serve as a reminder that there is still hope.
5 prayers for Father's Day
If you're still searching for something special, and want to give something that's truly from the heart, then you shouldn't overlook the personal touch of prayer.
Father's Day: 4 parenting tips from the best Father of them all - God
Even if your own father hasn't been present or provided you with a good example to follow, you can still be a great dad with the help of God's guidance.
Why do pictures of prayer resonate with people so much while church doesn't?
The viral nature of public prayer pictures reinforces what the data tells us, many people still have an appetite to connect with their spiritual side but they don't see the church as the route to feeding that hunger.
How worrying about whether or not you're the perfect Christian makes it more difficult to be a good one
It's not hard to find ourselves obsessed with the pursuit of perfection. After all, we believe in a perfect God and we strive to be more like Him, and Jesus even said: "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect," (Matthew 5:48). But the key thing to remember is that....
Suffering from smartphone separation anxiety? Three things to do instead of checking your phone
Stepping away from your smartphone can be scary but it doesn't have to be. Here are three things to do instead of checking your phone
Unbusy yourself: how to deal with distractions from your true calling
Whether you've found your calling or are still waiting to hear from God, these three tips can help you reduce the impact that distractions can have as you work to fulfil it.
Jesus tells us not to worry. Here are 3 ways that we can make that this a reality in our lives
God's grace and love for us fulfil Jesus' words on worry but it's something that many of us still have trouble with. Here are three things that you can to do to work towards a worry-free life.