Tim Keller Steps Down From Redeemer Presbyterian Church

Pastor and Bible teacher Tim Keller has announced he is stepping down as minister of Redeemer Christian Presbyterian Church.

Keller, 66, is a highly-regarded and influential theologian who has won praise for his Christian apologetics ministry.

Tim Keller is to leave Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Facebook/Timothy Keller

His church has grown to around 5,000 members since it was founded 28 years ago. It will now transition into three separate congregations.

His wife Kathy Keller, a staff member at Redeemer Church, told Christianity Today: 'This is not primarily a succession plan. It is a vision for not being a megachurch.'

The three Redeemer churches will work together but will officially be their own congregations. They will each plant churches in three more locations, resulting in nine total daughter churches,

Keller himself will not retire, but will work full time teaching with Reformed Theological Seminary and working with Redeemer's City to City church planting network.

Kathy Keller said: 'There's a certain level of him that's going to mourn the connection with a congregation and being their pastor. It's a loss. But there's also something very exciting that he's going to.'

Redeemer Presbyterian appeals particularly to young professionals attracted by Keller's orthodox teaching and engagement with real-life issues. His church proclaims that 'sceptics are welcome' at its services.