CofE issues Christian prayer for EU referendum


The Church of England has released a prayer for the EU referendum campaign that urges working for peace with "all the peoples of Europe".

The prayer is intended to be used by churches and individuals ahead of the vote on June 23.

The prayer says:

God of truth,
give us grace to debate the issues in this referendum
with honesty and openness.
Give generosity to those who seek to form opinion
and discernment to those who vote,
that our nation may prosper
and that with all the peoples of Europe
we may work for peace and the common good;
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Dr Adrian Hilton of the Brexit group Christians for Britain said: "Debating the issues 'with honesty and openness' is a laudable objective, and this prayer treads an impeccable via media which both sides would be happy to pray.

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"But it's worth noting that the Church of England has placed the matter of the UK's membership of the EU, 28 states, in the context of 'all the peoples of Europe', circa 50 states.

"This shifts the narrative of debate from the narrow one of EU membership to that of European identity. You clearly don't have to be in the EU to work for peace and the common good of all Europe."

Michael Sadgrove of the remain group Christians for Europe agreed with Christians for Britain. He said: "It is a prayer we can all pray with integrity as we seek the wisdom of God." 

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