Captured ISIS Militant Freely Admits Raping 200 Women From Iraqi Minorities, Says It Was 'Normal'

ISIS fighter Amar Hussein looks out from his prison cell in Sulaimaniya, Iraq on Feb. 15, 2017. Reuters

This captured Islamic State (ISIS) militant does not see any anything wrong with raping helpless women and killing other defenceless captives.

"This is normal," said Amar Hussein, a 22-year-old captured ISIS militant, who was presented recently by Kurdish intelligence authorities to a Reuters news crew in his cell in Sulaimaniya, Iraq.

Hussein said he had raped more than 200 minority women in Iraq, mostly Yazidis—and he had no regrets whatsoever.

He said he was only following orders from the "emirs," the commanders of his unit, who told him and other militants that they could rape as many Yazidis and other women as they wanted.

"Young men need this," Hussein told Reuters.

It was also "normal" for ISIS militants like Hussein to kill people. He said he had killed about 500 people since he joined the terrorist group in 2013.

"We shot whoever we needed to shoot and beheaded whoever we needed to beheaded," he said matter-of-factly.

"Seven, eight, ten at a time. Thirty or 40 people. We would take them in desert and kill them," he said, adding that he had become highly efficient in his "job" and had never once hesitated in pulling the trigger.

"I would sit them down, put a blindfold on them and fire a bullet into their heads," he said. "It was normal."

It has long been recognised that the ISIS has institutionalised sexual violence and is using it to systematically advance its "key strategic objectives."

In May 2015, the U.N. Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Zainab Bangura, said there is no doubt that ISIS is using sexual violence as a "tactic of terrorism" in its bid to establish a caliphate in the Middle East.

"Girls are literally being stripped naked and examined in slave bazaars...categorized and shipped naked off to Raqqa or Mosul or other locations to be distributed among [ISIS] leadership and fighters," Bangura said.

ISIS has reportedly even issued guidelines on how female slaves are to be raped. One instruction states that ISIS fighters are free to have intercourse even with girls who haven't yet reached puberty.

As a result of the atrocities being committed on women by ISIS brutes, Amnesty International said in 2014 that some young women in ISIS-occupied areas had committed suicide rather than be defiled by the jihadists.

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